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Keynote Session Swissbau 2024

Architekturvortrag: «Gateway Architecture_Access to open Cities» – Position, Process & Perspective

Two international renowned architects represent their positions, practices, and perspectives, toward Gateways. Bruther will focus on the Nauentor Basel and KCAP on the Europaallee Zurich. What roles do the projects play to an open access to the city?

Swissbau Focus
Halle 1.0 Süd, Messe Basel, Schweiz

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“Den Wandel gemeinsam Gestalten_Building Future together” is the theme of Swissbau 2024. The trade fair, Swissbau Focus and Lab enables a common perspective on the current and future topics of the building and real estate industry in Switzerland. Basel is considered the architectural capital of Switzerland. Along the Rhine, building culture enjoys a particularly high status. The second Architecture Week Basel (AWB) in 2024 wants to offer this potential a biennial platform for international architecture and urban development in Basel. In a diverse program and formats, AWB aims to activate architecture in Basel and internationally and make it accessible to a broad audience.

The second edition of Architecture Week Basel is about positions, processes and perspectives. “Infra de Structure” is driven by the central idea that physical space has a decisive influence on human perception. The world, and with it architecture, is undergoing radical change. “Infra de Structure” is dedicated to the urgent questions of the present. In 2024, AWB negotiates the future and challenges in the now and on the ground. Ongoing discussions and developments are taken up and new ones are initiated. This reorientation of architecture demands future-, environment- and social-oriented awareness and action.

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Referent*innen (4)

Judit Solt

Judit Solt

TEC21 - Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Chefredaktorin TEC21 – Schweizerische Bauzeitung

Stéphanie Bru

Stéphanie Bru

Bruther Paris, Gründerin und Architektin

Kees Christiaanse

Kees Christiaanse

KCAP Rotterdam, Gründer und Architekt



Bruther Paris, Gründer und Architekt


Anja Sierra
Esther Bernhard Clemmensen
Fabian Cortesi
Rudolf Pfander
84 Teilnehmende
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Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2024
17:00 - 18:15
Arena / Swissbau Focus / Halle 1.0

Zugehörige Themengebiete (3)